Data Centers
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What is the Value Impact of a Digital Workplace Infrastructure?

Lou Najdzin, VP of Platform

September 3, 2020

This is the fifth blog in our insights-based series dedicated to designing an IT infrastructure for the digital workplace.

In the last four weeks, we’ve outlined a digital workplace infrastructure roadmap for businesses and enterprises. At the center of this transformative process is a Pervasive Data Center Architecture (or PDx™).

The PDx™ method follows the steps we’ve outlined in this digital workplace series. We can retrace all steps through an integrated checklist.

  1. Document locations
  2. Determine workflows
  3. Build Profile
  4. Document users
  5. Document applications
  6. Determine workloads
  7. Identify workload attributes
  8. Determine workload size
  9. Identify workload profile/details
  10. Determine deployment
  11. Select footprint

As we optimize this methodology and complete our digital workplace transformation, we’re rewiring the network to support performance requirements.

We can also host data locally in the public or a private domain. This movement of compute capacity and hosted data drives the need for security and data controls to follow and deploy at the same locations. PDx™ tells you how.

We can infuse our integrated checklist into a process model that follows a path from plan to deployment.

This creates a colocated and interconnected infrastructure at centers of data exchange tailored by workload and matched to a deployment configuration.

The value impact of a fully-configured and built for purpose Pervasive Data Center Architecture (PDx™) provides you with the ability to:

Augment Compute Capacity - This alleviates the compute-bound challenges of remote work. It dynamically connects to cloud capacity and accesses local cloud zones on a global scale.

Optimize Network Performance – This means you’re removing the network-bound challenges of remote work. You’re also able to consolidate, localize, and tier traffic. Finally, you can interconnect networks, clouds, and services locally.

Evolve to a Digital Workplace – This includes the implementation of security and data controls for a digital workplace. You’ll enable policy enforcement at data ingress/egress points. You’re also able to integrate and host public and private data sources locally.

This is what it takes to develop an IT infrastructure that is specifically designed for the digital workplace. The steps in the integrated checklist and our digital workplace blog series are outlined in greater detail in our Pervasive Data Center Architecture (PDx™) Design Guide.

As part of our Digital Workplace toolkit, the design guide provides the methodology, while the Digital Workplace Blueprint explains how to use it to create a target state architecture tailored to your specific requirements.

If you’re ready to move forward with your digital workplace transformation, you can:

Access our Pervasive Datacenter Architecture (PDx™) Digital Workplace Design Guide now.

Access our Digital Workplace Toolkit for expanded digital workplace resources.

Contact our expert team with questions about the digital workplace toolkit or other specific needs.
